Constructing the virus and the defense against it in the Corona epoch
On March 5 2020, I left New York City headed for California. I was to give a series of lectures…Continue reading »
On Responding to Corona: modeling consent and resistance
My earlier posts were mostly about ways to analyze the evolution and spread of Corona as what Mauss called a…Continue reading »
Policy? or Politics?
Could the hegemony of “policy” be coming to an end? For many years state officials, “private” foundations, benevolent billionaires, academia…Continue reading »
An actor-network of consequential consociates: applying anthropology to one’s personal case
In this post, I am doing something somewhat different from the usual. I am maintaining the order I think I…Continue reading »
Anthropology IS an experimental science
One of my favorite quote from Geertz on anthropology as an experimental science: The “natural laboratory” notion has been equally…Continue reading »
constructing the gender of human bodies, literally
Sculpting new genitalia into a human body may be the ultimate in the (social) construction of new realities, the making…Continue reading »
Patterns of culture in America
I have been imagining titles for a possible book where I would bring together my papers of the last few…Continue reading »
On the (pre-)judicial brain
At the simplest level, the point of having a “judicial” brain is precisely to control and repair what the pre-judicial…Continue reading »
Aaron Hung and the collective construction of videogame play
On the drifting of interactional orders during a longish sequence of videogame play among four players, as reported by Aaron…Continue reading »