Main page
Person index
0001 university based institutions Columbia Teachers College hv002 ll064
0002 university based institutions Columbia TC Ed Zone hv003
0003 Research Project Teachers College hv003
0004 Research Project - IRB proposal
0005 university based institutions Columbia Columbia University intTG1 ll064
0006 Reading Buddies
0007 school PS 123 hv003
0008 school PS 125
0009 ELA score
0010 Administration for children services ll025
0011 TC Trustees
0012 church name St. James Presbyterian
0013 church name Riverside hv003 hv014
0014 high school dropouts
0015 high school dropouts programs
0016 university based institutions Columbia TC Ed Zone funding hv003
0017 Algebra project
0018 school - public PS 154
0019 school - public PS 197 John R. Russwurm hv004
0020 school - public PS 200 hv003
0021 school - public IS 172
0022 school - public IS 195 Roberto Clemente
0023 school - public IS 286
0024 Choir Academy
0025 Frederick Douglass Academy
0026 Bread and Roses
0027 Harlem Children's Zone hv001 intTG1 hv012 hv013 ll029 ll027
0028 Association of Black Social Workers hv001
0029 Adop a Child hv001
0030 church name Metropolitan Community United Methodist Church hv001 ll029
0031 Harlem Health Community Initiatives hv001
0032 Health Promotion Campaign 2005 hv001
0033 tourists hv001 ll026 ll029
0034 Gospel singing hv001
0035 housing reconstruction and rehabilitation hv001
0036 school - public Schomburg hv001
0037 university based events Supplementary education expo hv002
0038 church name St. Andrews Episcopal hv001
0039 church name Sanctuary of Praise Episcopal hv001
0040 new construction hv001 hv017
0041 church name Church of Christ hv001
0042 church name Cross Road Baptist hv001
0043 church name Muhammad Mosque #7 hv001
0044 NYC administration Oberia Dempsy Multi-Service Center - NYC Human Resources hv001 ll096
0045 church name White Rock Baptist hv001
0046 clubs masons International F & AM Masons and Eastern Star hv001
0047 school - religious Allah School in Mecca hv001
0048 Global Business Institute hv001
0049 immigrants from Africa hv002 hv013
0050 "we are all brothers" sayings hv002
0051 housing gentrification in general hv002 ll093 ll096
0052 things not taught in school hv002
0053 African history hv002
0054 Black vs African American hv002
0055 immigrants hv002
0056 Africa (as origin) hv002
0057 Black (as category of identification) hv002
0058 White (as category of identification) hv002
0059 TC: IUME hv002
0060 church name St. Luke's Baptist
0061 church name Manhattan Pentecotal
0062 Antioch Day Care
0063 Antioch Youth Center
0064 church name Antioch Baptist
0065 church name Gethsemane Revival Holiness
0066 Ecumenical Community Development Center
0067 church name St. Joseph of the Holy Family
0068 church name Lagree Baptist
0069 church name United House of Prayer
0070 school PS 154 Harriet Tubman Learning Center hv009
0071 church name Greater Zion Hill Baptist
0072 African Services Committee 479
0073 school parochial St. Joseph Family school, day care and pre-school
0074 church organization St. Joseph Convent
0075 church name St. Mary's Episcopal
0076 St. Mary's place
0077 Family living center
0078 Manhattanville community center
0079 church name Iglesias de Dios Pentecostal
0080 school - public PS 161
0081 church name Annunciation
0082 school Mott school for the gifted and talented
0083 school John H. Finley
0084 school: St. Joseph Family school
0085 school: St. Joseph Family elementary
0086 TC: Gordon Campus hv003
0087 TC Ed Zone: Reading Buddies hv003
0088 TC Ed Zone: Math Buddies hv003
0089 hv003
0090 school: Bronx Internationl hv003
0091 reading intervention
0092 programs evaluation scientific
0093 art work by children
0094 programs church-based for parents
0095 security
0096 TC: student volunteers hv003
0097 NCLB
0098 digital divide
0099 phrases: culture shock
0100 real estate values
0101 Starbucks
0102 family issues parenting ll034
0103 family issues domestic violence
0104 music hip-hop ll099
0105 youth ll099
0106 phrases: minority community
0107 phrases: demeaning to women
0108 family issues values
0109 family issues healthy families
0110 living the good life
0111 school curriculum: art
0112 video games
0113 malls
0114 family: single parents
0115 education, church: no programs
0116 education, church: day care
0117 education, church: school tutorials
0118 praying
0119 education:  church Sunday School
0120 church qualifications not hip hop
0121 church religious fellowship
0122 culture
0123 leadership
0124 church organization Manhattan Pentecotal
0125 church: qualifications conservative
0126 Christian Broadcasting Satellite
0127 West Harlem Local Development Corporation
0128 Community Board 9
0129 Manhattanville
0130 Coalition to Preserve Community
0131 Blackberry Productions Theater Company
0132 West Harlem Herald newspaper
0133 Community Based Agreements
0134 education planning
0135 education planning math/science school
0136 Columbia expansion ll093 ll095 ll096
0137 ULURP ll093 ll095 ll096
0138 questions about research - consent forms
0139 education in general - as issue
0140 jobs as issue
0141 transportation as issue
0142 environment as issue
0143 traffic as issue
0144 Harlem general Whites in
0145 Citarella's
0146 Magic Johson
0147 church programs
0148 SUV
0149 Apollo
0150 education church music and art
0151 prayer in school
0152 church finances
0153 Elvis Presley
0154 the good life
0155 Sylvia's Also
0156 church name Baptist House of Prayer
0157 church name Transfiguration Lutheran Church
0158 church name New Hope Community Church
0159 Royal Orleans Hotel
0160 housing townhouses for sale
0161 housing townhouses renovations
0162 church name Pilgrim Cathedral of Harlem
0163 restaurant name Boma Café hv017
0164 church name Eluzai Pentecostal Temple
0165 education church social ministries
0166 education church prayer ministries
0167 education church health
0168 health HIV/AIDS
0169 hospital name Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
0170 church name Mount Moriah Baptist Church hv004
0171 church name Mormon hv004 hv006 ll022 ll026
0172 church name Christ Temple House of Prayer Deliverance hv004
0173 church name Downtown Baptist Church hv004
0174 housing new construction hv004
0175 church name St. John's Pentecostal hv004
0176 housing development Lenox Terrace hv004
0177 church name Bethel hv004
0178 housing tenements boarded up hv004
0179 church name Greater Central Baptist Church hv004
0180 school - public CS133 Fred R. Moore hv004
0181 church name Mt. Horeb Holiness Church of God hv004
0182 All Saints Cooperative hv004
0184 club name BedJaf Community Club hv004
0185 hospital name Harlem Hospital hv005
0186 public library hv005
0187 church name Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal hv005 hv009
0188 community centers name Kennedy Center hv005
0189 Catholic Charities hv005
0190 community centers name Harnsborough Recreation Center hv005
0191 child care hv005
0192 housing development Lincoln Houses hv005
0193 church name All Saints Catholic hv005
0194 school - parochial Catholic All Saints hv005
0195 treatment centers Addicts Rehabilitation Center hv005
0196 church name New Zion Baptist hv005
0197 church name United New Church of Christ hv005
0198 political graffiti hv005
0199 church name Harlem Pentecostal Assembly hv005
0200 programs church-based for youth
0201 America the way it is
0202 America being poor in
0203 media
0204 sex selling in the media
0205 development personal
0206 music Christian rap
0207 music learning in school
0208 art learning in school
0209 schooling how it used to be
0210 cell phone for children
0211 South Africa
0212 Spanish speaking
0213 Spanish Harlem
0214 category of reference Black real Black
0215 category of reference race as topic
0216 category of reference ethnicity as topic
0217 category of reference being noticed as different
0218 category of reference skin color ll099
0219 category of reference housing rent control
0220 category of reference Latino as identity reference
0221 category of reference African American as identity reference
0222 category of reference White as identity reference
0223 category of reference immigrants
0224 school HS Harlem Renaissance High School
0225 James Baldwin
0226 teens pregnant
0227 category of reference Japanese
0228 category of reference young black professionals
0229 Domican Republic
0230 food Mexican
0231 church name Abyssinian Baptist Church hv015 ll089
0232 church programs Abyssinian Development Corporation ll095 ll096
0233 Block Association name 142nd street
0234 making money
0235 poverty in general
0236 housing renting
0237 hanging out
0238 Harlem as topic people moving in an out
0239 drugs as topic
0240 churches as topic
0241 taking a girl to the prom as topic
0242 school Heritage
0243 chess teaching
0244 drumming
0245 basketball playing
0246 health organizations name Harlem Health Promotion Center hv007 hv012 ll029
0247 church - South Harlem name Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostle Faith hv008
0248 church - South Harlem name New Ebenezer Baptist Church hv008
0249 welfare agency name Paul Institute of Mainstream Services hv008
0250 church - South Harlem name Church of God hv008
0251 housing new construction Fifth on the Park hv008
0252 parks NYC Marcus Garvey Park hv008 hv017
0253 church - South Harlem name Bethel Gospel Assembly hv008
0254 colleges Helen Fuld College of Nursing hv008
0255 school - public PS 79 hv008
0256 hospital name North General hv008 ll024
0257 church name Ebenezer Pentecostal Temple (same as Eluzai Pentecostal? my mistake) hv008
0258 museum name Langston Hughes House hv008
0259 hotels Royal Orleans Hotel  hv008
0260 hospital type teaching hospital hv008
0261 hospital type community teaching hospital hv008
0262 hospital type academic medical center hv008
0263 flea market at 127 & Lenox hv008
0264 church name Christ Community Church of Harlem hv008 ll034 ll035
0265 church name East Mount Olive Church hv008 hv009
0266 church name Shiloh Church of Christ hv008 hv009
0267 gardens name 128th - Williamson Memorial Park Association hv008 ll034
0268 university based institutions Bank Street Bank Street hv008 ll034
0269 West Harlem Community Organization - Head Start hv008 hv009 hv013
0270 church name House of God hv008 hv009
0271 church name Glendale Baptist hv008 hv009
0272 Create Young Adult Center hv008 hv009
0273 church name Metropolitan Baptist Church hv008
0274 housing low income St. Nicholas Houses hv008 hv009
0275 centers health St. Nicholas Houses Neighbor Family Health hv008 hv009
0276 school - public PS 157 hv008
0277 clubs, political Martin Luther King Jr. Democratic Club hv009
0278 action centers church Greater Zion Hill Community Action Center  hv009
0279 centers senior PSS Harlem Senior Center hv009
0280 churches topic summary information
0281 action centers churches Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement
0282 Souls Brothers Boutique hv009 ll034
0283 Freedom Hall hv009 ll034
0284 church name Haitian Evangelical Missionary Church hv009
0285 Bishop Houses hv009
0286 family issues disciplining children hv010
0287 church name Christ Temple of the Apostolic Faith hv009
0288 welfare agency name In the spirit of the children ll030 ll064
0289 school - independent independent Children's Storefront hv009
0290 church name Spiritual Israel Church and its Army hv009
0291 parks NYC Harlem Rose Garden hv009
0292 church name Second Corinthian Baptist Church hv009
0293 hotels name Jazz Hostel hv009 ll029
0294 church name Bethlehem Pentecostal Assembly hv009
0295 Aster Row Houses Restauration hv009
0296 church name Church of the People hv009
0297 church name St. Ambrose Episcopal hv009
0298 church name Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ hv009
0299 housing development Riverton hv009
0300 clubs, political Community Democratic Club  hv009
0301 school HS 670 Thurgood Marshall Academy hv009
0302 church name W. Moran Weston Center for Hope hv009
0303 church name Williams Institutional Christian Methodist Episcopal church hv009
0304 Harlem Children's Zone programs Baby College ll015 hv010 ll016 ll021 ll025 ll032 hv017
0305 centers senior St. Nicholas Houses Senior Citiaen Center hv009
0306 church name Salem United Methodist church hv009 ll079
0307 hospital care primary
0308 hospital care secondary
0309 hospital care tertiary
0310 health disparities ll024
0311 health literacy
0312 cultural competency
0313 prejudice about health understanding
0314 human capital
0315 insurance medical ll024
0316 hospital education community
0317 hospital education staff
0318 school PS 242 Hans Christian Andersen Center
0319 people, famous television Oprah ll021 ll025 ll032
0320 Harlem Children's Zone programs for college students hv010
0321 outreach worker Baby College ll016
0322 videotaping ll016
0323 Jeopardy ll016
0324 health immunization ll016
0325 parent education curriculum how infants are ll016
0326 child birth as topic ll016
0327 parent education curriculum playing with children ll016 ll021
0328 parent education curriculum spoiling children ll016
0329 Biggie Smalls ll016
0330 parent education curriculum singing to children ll016 ll021
0331 Beyonce ll016
0332 computers videos ll016
0333 nursery rhymes ll016 ll025
0334 parent education curriculum first words ll016
0335 parent education curriculum milestones ll016
0336 "I know what I am talking about" ll016
0337 parent education curriculum television
0338 television watching for babies
0339 mothers discussing caring for infants
0340 parent education curriculum books
0341 health insurance through HCZ
0342 parent education curriculum mothers doing HCZ homework
0343 Harlem Children's Zone programs Baby College contracts
0344 parent education curriculum sign language
0345 pedagogy yes/no questions
0346 Harlem Children's Zone programs Harlem Gems
0347 Harlem Children's Zone programs Promise Academy hv011
0348 Hokey-Poley song
0349 multi-racial couples
0350 Brazelton as expert pediatrician ll021
0351 parent education curriculum physical punishment ll021
0352 foster care children who have aged out
0353 university based institutions Columbia TC - IUME
0354 foster care homelessness
0355 pyschological diagnostic terms dependency
0356 social work case worker
0357 justice system judges
0358 organizations community based
0359 social welfare agency
0360 education teaching adolescents
0361 pedagogy students against teachers
0362 pedagogy students as engaged
0363 pedagogy body language
0364 project, our permission to observe
0365 Harlem Children's Zone programs Baby College being observed
0366 welfare agency name Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership
0367 manners using first/last names
0368 manners etiquette
0369 manners professionalism
0370 foster care as topic
0371 television using H CBS
0372 foster care interest in, by Congress
0373 foster care returning to parents
0374 group homes
0375 community-based institutions as identity
0376 advocacy
0377 housing searching about
0378 housing section 8
0379 housing subsidy applying
0380 workshops topic money management
0381 Teachers College as institution attended
0382 Community Advocates for Educational Excellence, Inc.
0383 National Jazz Museum in Harlem Office
0384 Harlem Children's Zone programs Harlem Children’s Health Project hv011
0385 university based institutions Columbia Business School hv011
0386 schooling truancy hv011
0387 community building as service program hv011
0388 intervention hv011
0389 Harlem Children's Zone programs Beacon initiatives hv011
0390 schools charter hv011
0391 intervention outreach hv011
0392 religion faith community hv011
0393 Harlem Children's Zone organization Community advisory board hv011
0394 gardens community, in general hv011 hv013 ll031 intTG1 ll091
0395 housing cost hv011
0396 health education ll024
0397 outreach community ll024
0398 trust as topic "people need to trust us" ll024
0399 research as topic "being treated as an object" ll024
0400 rapport, establishing as topic ll024
0401 health issues blood pressure ll024
0402 health issues diabetes ll024
0403 health issues not understanding ll024
0404 health issues miscommunication ll024
0405 health issues health literacy ll024
0406 hospital name Mt. Sinai ll024
0407 health issues availability of healthy foods ll024
0408 community bulding, making, coming together ll024
0409 Harlem Renaissance ll024
0410 service agency funding ll024
0411 health research on diabetes ll024
0412 social worker ll024
0413 women's issues ll024
0414 Apollo Theater partnership North General outreach ll024
0415 tenant associations ll024
0416 instance of disciplining as speech act at HCZ ll021
0417 eating as topic what people eat ll021
0418 parent education curriculum brain development ll021 ll025
0419 parent education curriculum disciplining children ll021
0420 parent education curriculum immunization ll021
0421 instance of asking for information ll021
0422 men and women are different ll021
0423 "in my country it's different" ll021
0424 parent education curriculum personality ll021
0425 "it takes a village" ll021
0426 health mental ADHD ll021
0427 library public ll025
0428 rap HCZ - Baby College ll025
0429 graduation ceremony HCZ - Baby College ll025
0430 Harlem Children's Zone programs evaluation ll025
0431 associations Eastern Star ll025
0432 babies changing ll025
0433 childcare providing ll025
0434 advocacy training people for  ll025
0435 food junk ll025
0436 babies pre-term ll025
0437 landlords ll025
0438 incentives money HCZ - Baby College ll025
0439 molestation ll025
0440 autism ll025
0441 Harlem general changing ll022 ll099
0442 school PS 76 hv013
0443 Kwanza hv013
0444 service agency name Cooke Center for Learning and Development hv013
0445 church name Convent Avenue Baptist Church hv014 hv015
0446 restaurant name Sylvio's hv014 ll026
0447 restaurant name Manna's hv014
0448 Harlem areas strivers' row hv014
0449 M. L. Wilson Boys & Girls Club of Harlem hv014
0450 homosexuality as issue in churches hv014
0451 churches changing as issue among friends hv014
0452 churches class as issue in and among hv014
0453 people, famous name Sharpton, Al hv014
0454 people, famous politicians Rangel, Charles as congressman hv014 ll096
0455 Harlem School for the Arts hv014
0456 church name Church of God hv015
0457 church name Crown of Life Love Ministries hv015
0458 church name Union Baptist Church hv015
0459 church name St. Paul Community Church hv015
0460 church name Mount Zyon Lutheran Church hv015
0461 service agency name Phase: Piggy Bank Incorporated Youth Intervention and Development hv015
0462 service agency name Phase: Piggy Bank Incorporated Family Health Center hv015
0463 service agency name Jackie Robinson Recreation Center hv015
0464 service agency name Mayfield Home of the United Ushers Benevolent League hv015
0465 Hamilton hv015
0466 church name St. Luke's Episcopal hv015
0467 church name St James Presbyterian hv015
0468 church name Church of the Meek Baptist hv015
0469 church name Mt. Calvary United Methodist hv015
0470 church name St. Charles Borromeo hv015
0471 church name Mt. Calvary Baptist hv015
0472 housing development Drew-Hamilton Houses hv015
0473 service agency name DH Learning Center of the Children's Aid Society hv015
0474 service agency name DH Health Center hv015
0475 church name First Baptist Church hv015
0476 school PS 194 hv015
0477 church name St. Thomas Liberal Catholic Church hv015
0478 church name New Mt. Calvary hv015
0479 service agency name Frederick Samuel Community Center hv015
0480 service agency name Harlem Child Care Center hv015
0481 church name New Mt. Zion Baptist Church hv015
0482 historic district name St. Nicholas Historic District hv015
0483 Abyssinian Development Corporation
0484 Central Park Conservancy ll029
0485 health organizations name Harlem Promotion Learning Lab. ll029
0486 Harlem Arts Alliance ll029
0487 Jazz Museum in Harlem ll029
0488 gardens what children learn there ll031
0489 gardens in general [same as 394]
0490 gardeners in community gardens ll031
0491 gardens greening activist ll031
0492 schooling formal ll031
0493 nature as it is ll031
0494 Harlem Children's Zone programs TRUCE ll032
0495 preaching - in street ll033
0496 church - Bronx name Miracle Revival Temple ll033
0497 gardens Trust for Public Land ll034 ll048 ll091
0498 organizations 501(c)(3) ll034
0499 people, famous name Guliani ll034
0500 programs garden-based Park's Association's Summer Youth Program ll034 ll035
0501 gardens 128th - Board ll034
0502 people, famous name Linette C. Williamson ll034
0503 Harlem Children's Zone programs Peacemakers
0504 questions about research - who are we
0505 phrases: we are community oriented
0506 Central Harlem Partnership organization
0507 parent education organization
0508 Central Park Conservancy programs Youth Leadership Program
0509 church - South Harlem name Second Canaan Baptist
0510 phrase: do not know how to reach to minority comty
0511 Black Film Festival
0512 Salaam Arts & Inspiration
0513 America as topic who is American
0514 gardens - South Harlem name Wilson Garden - 122nd ll048 ll071 ll075 hv017
0515 gardens name Five Star Garden ll048
0516 gardens - South Harlem name Mt. Morris ll048
0517 category of reference Asian-American
0518 phrases: who I am
0519 Mirabal Sisters
0520 gardens name Tom Goodrige's - PS 76
0521 gardens name Mary's garden of love
0522 Harlem Open Artist Studio
0523 Harlem Gurls Knitting Club
0524 Beacon centers
0525 home schooling ll071
0526 Schomberg Center
0527 gardens programs Kitchen Table ll071 ll073 ll094
0528 New York City gov. programs gardens Operation Green Thumb ll091 ll094
0529 Americorps
0530 City Volunteer Corps ll094
0531 Harlem "how it used to be"
0532 gardens name George W. Brown
0533 New York City gov. programs Police Athletic League
0534 gardens programs The Young Rangers
0535 New York City gov. programs Bronx Botanical Garden
0536 Black Panthers
0537 Community Board 10
0538 Urban Griot musical group
0539 The Doers
0540 gardens fighting for
0541 gardens New York City Community Gardens Coalition ll091
0542 real estate developers
0543 New York Restoration Project ll091
0544 New York State Office of Community Gardens
0545 people Cozart, Margaret
0546 Harlem Urban Gardeners
0547 people, famous activists Seeger, Pete
0548 people, famous politicians Clinton, Hillary
0549 people, famous television Cosby, Bill
0550 cars, renting
0551 vegetarianism
0552 funding - non-governmental name Ford Foundation ll064
0553 category of reference class middle class ll064
0554 Harlem Little League
0555 funding - non-governmental name Lehman Brothers ll065
0556 health organizations name L. B. Health Prom. Learning Lab ll065
0557 health organizations name Children's Health fund ll065
0558 meetings with homeless men ll066
0559 category of reference women of color ll071 ll073
0560 art education
0561 running a non profit
0562 funding not for profit organizations
0563 funding - from corporations in general
0564 volunteer training New York Cares
0565 unions name NY Hotel and Motel - AFL/CIO
0566 Coalition to Save Harlem ll096
0567 condom
0568 health organizations name L. B. Health Prom. Learning Lab explainers
0569 people referred to  name Ed Gordon
0570 Harlem World
0571 church - South Harlem name Christian Parish for Spiritual Renewal ll094
0572 Block Association name 122nd street
0573 police 28th precinct
0574 gardens and schools ll091
0575 gardens growing food in ll091
0576 gardens Green Guerillas intTG1 ll091
0577 accountability ll091
0578 community organizing as activity ll091
0579 church - South Harlem name Mount Olive
0580 gardens name Coventry Garden hv017
0581 gardens name #8 (Willie Morgan?) hv017
0582 "Harlem is not for sale" sayings hv017
0583 church - South Harlem name Second Friendship Baptist hv017
0584 service agency name Gabriel House - Addicts Rehabilitation Center hv017
0585 Harlem Children's Zone programs Community Pride hv017
0586 church - South Harlem name First King Baptist hv017
0587 school - charter name Future Leaders Institute hv017
0588 clubs masons Independent Order of Mechanics hv017
0589 church - South Harlem name St. Martin's hv017
0590 historic district name Mount Morris hv017
0591 church - South Harlem name Mount Morris Presbyterian hv017
0592 community centers - South Harlem name Pelham Fritz Recreation Center hv017
0593 gardens funding in general intTG1
0594 gardens vacant lots intTG1
0595 trash intTG1
0596 gardens what to grown there intTG1
0597 community supported agriculture intTG1
0598 Cuba as example intTG1
0599 gardens esthetics intTG1
0600 gardens regulation by New York City intTG1
0601 homeless, the  as topic of discourse intTG1
0602 gardens fencing hv017 intTG1
0603 food what to eat intTG1
0604 gardens destruction intTG1 ll094
0605 New York Times intTG1
0606 politics, getting into intTG1
0607 church name St. Mark’s United Methodist hv018
0608 racism as explanation hv018
0609 pre-school church Salem United Methodist church hv018
0610 restaurant name Londel's hv018
0611 religion music hv018 ll099
0612 religion worship style hv018
0613 diversity as topic of discourse
0614 Narcotics Anonymous
0615 District 9
0616 Harlem general rezoning ll093 ll095 ll096
0617 brownstone living tenants ll094
0618 YMCA 135th street ll094
0619 vandals ll094
0620 programs life-skills ll094
0621 schooling GED curriculum ll094
0622 Harlem buying real estate - home ll095
0623 District 10 ll095
0624 eviction commercial ll096
0625 Tenant Association ll096
0626 Government - US Supreme Court ll096
0627 eminent domain ll096
0628 people famous Obama, Barak ll096
0629 churcn name Salvation Army ll099
0630 soup kitchens ll099
0631 sex education ll099
0632 computers programs making accessible ll099
0633 financial education ll099
0634 church programs fund raising ll099
0635 Disney ll099
0636 church name Union Congregational ll099
0637 crime fear of ll099
0638 church programs after school ll099