I reached St. Nicholas and 126th around 11 on a beautiful bright spring sunshiny day and take pictures of the corner to document my feeling of "greetyness" I had last Saturday.

PS 157

Walking east on 126, on the back of the Greater Zion Hill Baptist church (in a recycled bank building) is the the Greater Zion Hill Community Action Center

Slide show




Crossing Douglas, the St. Nicholas Houses are on the North side and PS 154 on South side.

St. Nicholas Houses Neighbor Family Health (also in Spanish)




After crossing Powell, I walk north to 128th, passing the "Martin Luther King Jr. Democratic Club" (Rangel's from the sign calling for his re-election)

I take picture of advertisements

The Metropolitan Baptist Church (in a church building) occupies of the North East Corner of Powell and 138th with two signs of programs:

  • PSS Harlem Senior Center
  • Two vans




Walking East on 128th

  • N: renovations
  • N: Create Young Adult Center
  • N: Gendale Baptist (it is not clear whether this is a reclad apartment house, institutional space, or built for the church)
  • N: House of God (wharehouse look)
  • N: West Harlem Head Start Pre-School Program
  • N: Soul Brothers Boutique
  • N: Freedom Hall (I can't tell what is in this storefront)
  • N: Haitian Evangelical Missionary Church (sign is also in French, though in smaller size)


After crossing Lennox and walking by the Mormon church:

  • N: the Williamson gardens I saw last (I take pictures of the signs). An elderly black man walks out of one of the gardens, carrying seedlings. I greet him with "this is a beautiful garden!" He acknowledges with a smile "thank you".
  • N: Bishop Houses (some kind of small, recent, housing development)
  • S: East Mt. Olive Baptist Church (in a brownstone, extended on the ground floor) "organized in 1952, rebuilt in 1963 - from a stone inled in the front)

[this is an altogether "beautiful" block!}


After crossing Fifth:

  • N: Christ Temple of the Apostolic Faith (in what may have been a Catholic school)
  • N: Shiloh Church of Christ (in what is said to have been built for the church but looks like a wharehouse)
  • N: a nice empty lot garden at the corner with Madison


I walk north on Madison and walk 129th east:

  • a kind (certainly not public nor parochial nor otherwise linked to a church given the absence of mention of any of these) of school. All the signs are hand painted, as if done by children: "Head toward our goal storefront" "Edo's kitchen" "The children's storefront." They have a web site which I found through Google. The street has been blocked to traffic and 20/30 children, most in uniform, are playing in the street. Half a dozen young women (most white, some black) in very relaxed dress sit on the stoops. They do no make me notice that they have noticed me. Most of the school is on the north side of the street, but they also occupy at least a floor and the basement of the last building on the south side before a gas station and Park
  • N: Spiritual Israel Church and its Army (brownstone)



I turn around and walk west on 129th starting at Madison (with All Saints Catholic church at the North East corner)

  • S: Harlem Rose Garden: this is a city sponsored garden covering the area of several demolished buildings. Very well kept
  • N: Second Corinthian Baptist Church (renovations on the main floor)

Cross Fifth

  • S: In a white mansion a "Jazz Hostel." There is no sign but I talk to a young white man with a scandinavian accent who explains thta this is for international visitors. There are several of those in New York. The rate is $20 a night with a maximum stay of 14 days (because of NYC regulations) . Their web site.
  • S: Bethlehem Pentecostal Assembly (brownstone)
  • S: another empty lot park. This is also marked as a "Williamson garden" thus related to the ones on 128th. There is a large mural on the east wall.


On reaching Lenox, I turn north, and then east on 130th. I discover the Aster Row houses: amazing! Looking on the web is see the area described as a "former drug den" and that these houses have been designated landmarks. As one site mentioned: these houses have porches overlooking a front garden!

  • S.: "Aster Row Houses Restauration" "1986 Environmental Quality Bond Act Project" "Pentecostal Faith Church" (an interesting mix ...)
  • N.: Church of the People (brownstone)
  • N: St. Ambrose Episcopal (impressive church architecture) with "Fellowship of Learning School"

after crossing Fifth

  • S: Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (church building)

beyond Madison, the final block before park is housing buildings, and then industrial at the border with Park



I walk north on Madison which divides two sections of the Lincoln Houses.

On reaching 135th, I see the Riverton "Private Residential Community" on the blocks north.

I notice that neither chess players not flower sale are set up at 135th and Fifth--though I notice an elderly man putting up a table.

I cross Lenox and things get grittier again. The north side of the long block are minimally renovated tenements. There is a large asphalt playground on the south side. A few children in uniform are playing. [not appealing...]

  • YMCA on both sides of the street close to Powell.
  • Community Democratic Club




I walk south on Powell.

  • W: Thurgood Marshall Academy


  • W: W. Moran Weston Center for Hope (with bookstore selling Bibles and other religious stuff)


  • E: Williams Institutional Christian Methodist Episcopal church ( church building, flanked by an empty lot using for parking with a mural) . A van in the lot says "Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal church" (a church at Lenox and 135th)
  • W: Shiloh Baptist Church


  • W: The north east corner of the St. Nicholas Houses and its "Senior Citizen Center"
  • E: empty lots and then renovations
  • W at around 130, the Salem United Methodist church (very impressive church architecture)