Brief Professional Biography
- Starts graduate work in anthropology at the University of Chicago (September 1968)
- Conducts fieldwork in Paw Paw, Michigan (September 1970 through August 1971)
- Receives his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Chicago (June 1972)
- Is invited to join the faculty of the Department of Home and Family Life at Teachers College, Columbia University, as assistant professor (Fall 1972)
- Conducts fieldwork in a New Jersey High School (1972-73)
- Serves as acting chair of the Department of Home and Family Life (1974-1975)
- Is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor (Spring 1977)
- Is granted tenure in the renamed Department of Family and Community Education ( Fall 1978)
- Starts an ongoing collaboration with Professor Ray McDermott (on the faculty at Teachers College from 1979 to 1990).
- Is promoted to the rank of Professor (1983)
- Serves as chair of the Department of Family and Community Education (1984 to 1991)
- conducts fieldwork in Ballinteer, Ireland (September 1986 through June 1987)
- Joins the Department of Philosophy and the Social Sciences and the Programs in Anthropology at Teachers College after the closing of the Department of Family and Community Education (1991)
- Joins the Department of Scientific Foundation (1997), then the Department of International and Transcultural Studies (2000) as Teachers College reorganizes.
- Serves as chair of the Department of International and Transcultural Studies (2001 to 2007)
- participates with Jean Lave and Ray McDermott in a joint seminar at Berkeley and Stanford on "The Politics of Ignorance" (Spring 2004).
- Guest edits a special issue of the Teachers College Record Explorations in the theory of education (2007) . This becomes Volume 1 of the Perspective on Comprehensive Education Series he and Edmund W. Gordon co-edit (2008)
- Co-directs (with Edmund W. Gordon) a project on comprehensive education and (with Dr. Linda Lin) an ethnographic investigation of educational settings in Harlem (2008-2010)
- Receives the George and Louise Spindler Award for lifetime achievement from the Council on Anthropology and Education (2013)
- Serves again as chair of the Department of International and Transcultural Studies (2015 to 2024)