Works of relevance to schooling and education

2007 "Difficult collective deliberations: Anthropological notes towards a theory of education." in Teachers College Record 109, 7: 1559-1588
2007 "On NCATE Standards and culture at work Conversations, hegemony, (dis-)abling consequences" Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 38,1: 16-23
2006 "The cultural work of learning disabilities" in Educational Researcher, 35,6: 12-17 (with Ray McDermott and Shelley Goldman)
2006 "Reconstructing Culture in Educational Research" in Innovations in educational ethnography, ed. by G. Spindler and L. Hammond, 3-31. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (with Ray McDermott)
2006 "Playing with Pedagogical Authority." in Classroom authority: Theory, research, and practice, ed. by J. Pace and A. Hemmings, 63-86. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (with James Mullooly)
1998 Successful failure: The School America build (with Ray McDermott). Boulder, CO: Westview.
1997  "Racing in place: Middle class work in success/failure." in Education and cultural process: Anthropological perspectives, ed. by G. Spindler, 136-157. Prospects Heights, IL: Waveland Press. (with S. Goldman and R.P. McDermott) 
1996 "Culture, development, disability" (with McDermott, R. P.) in Ethnography and Human Development, ed. by R. Jessor, A. Colby and R. Shweder. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1995 "Culture as disability" Anthropology and Education Quarterly (with McDermott, R. P.), 26: 324-348.
1995  "The social facting of education: Durkheim's legacy." in Journal of Curriculum Studies, 27: 373-389.
1992 "Joint action on the wild side of Manhattan: Understanding the power of the cultural center on educational alternative." Anthropology and Education Quarterly (with R. Rizzo-Tolk), 23: 221-249.
1986  "'Why' Sheila Can Read: Structure and Indeterminacy in the Reproduction of Familial Literacy," in The Acquisition of Literacy: Ethnographic Perspectives, ed. by B. Schieffelin and P. Gilmore, 188-210. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. (with McDermott, R. P.)
1984 "When School Goes Home: Some Problems and Defensive Tactics," Teachers College Record 85: 391-409. (with McDermott, R. P. and S. Goldman)
1983 American School Language: The Rhetorical Structuring of Daily Life in a Suburban High School. New York: Irvington Publishers.
1982  "Jocks and Freaks: The Symbolic Structure of the Expression of Social Interaction among American Senior High School Students," in Doing the Ethnography of Schooling, ed. by G. Spindler, 210-235. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
1981 "Symbolizing American Culture in Schools," Character 2: 1-9.
1981 "Family, Language and Education: The Sociolinguistic Model of Restricted and Elaborated Codes," Social Science Information 20: 187-228. (with C. Hill)
1978  "Culture as Rhetoric: The Patterning of the Verbal Interpretation of Interaction between Teachers and Administrators in an American High School," American Ethnologist 5: 635-650.
1976 "American Culture and the School," in The Anthropological Study of Education, ed. by C. Calhoun and F.A.J. Ianni, 227-237. The Hague: Mouton & Co.
1976 "Friendship and Fairness: Ideological Tensions in an American High School," Teachers College Record 77: 601-614. (with M. Kelly)
1974  "From Grading and Freedom of Choice to Ranking and Segregation in an American High School," Council on Anthropology and Education Quarterly 5: 9-15