![]() | Works of relevance to American culture (as of 1998)byHervé Varenne |
1998 | "Diversity as American cultural category." in Democracy
and difference, ed. by C. Greenhouse. State University of New York
Successful failure: The School America builds (with Ray McDermott). Boulder, CO: Westview.
1992 | "America and I." in American Culture: Outsiders Looking In, ed.
by J. Armstrong and P. DeVita, 29-38. Wadsworth Publishing Co.
"Joint action on the wild side of Manhattan: Understanding the power of the cultural center on educational alternative." Anthropology and Education Quarterly (with R. Rizzo-Tolk). Ambiguous Harmony: Family Talk in America. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation |
1987 | "Talk and Real Talk: The Voices of Silence and the Voices of Power
in American Family Life," Cultural Anthropology 2: 369-394.
"Analytic Ambiguities in the Communication of Familial Power," in Power through Discourse, ed. by L. Kedar, 129-151. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. |
1986 | Symbolizing
Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press. (Editor)
"'Why' Sheila Can Read: Structure and Indeterminacy in the Reproduction of Familial Literacy," in The Acquisition of Literacy: Ethnographic Perspectives, ed. by B. Schieffelin and P. Gilmore, 188-210. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. (with McDermott, R. P.) "Familles Américaines," in Histoire de la Famille. Ed. by Martine Segalen, André Burguière et Françoise Zonabend, 413-435. Paris: Armand Colin. |
1983 | American School Language: The Rhetorical Structuring
of Daily Life in a Suburban High School. New York: Irvington
"The Production of Kinds of Ethnic Discourse in the United States: American and Puerto-Rican Kinds," in The Sociogenesis of Language and Human Conduct, ed. by B. Bain, 553-68. New York: Plenum. (with F. Ruskin) "Language and Learning Situations," Society 20: 70-76 |
1981 | "Symbolizing American Culture in Schools," Character 2: 1-9. |
1978 | "Is Dedham American? The Diagnosis of Things American," Anthropological Quarterly 51: 231-245. |
1977 | Americans Together: Structured
Diversity in A Midwestern Town. New York: Teachers College Press.