Works of relevance to American culture (as of 1998)


Hervé Varenne

1998 "Diversity as American cultural category." in Democracy and difference, ed. by C. Greenhouse. State University of New York Press.

Successful failure: The School America builds (with Ray McDermott). Boulder, CO: Westview.

1992 "America and I." in American Culture: Outsiders Looking In, ed. by J. Armstrong and P. DeVita, 29-38. Wadsworth Publishing Co.

"Joint action on the wild side of Manhattan: Understanding the power of the cultural center on educational alternative." Anthropology and Education Quarterly (with R. Rizzo-Tolk).

Ambiguous Harmony: Family Talk in America. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation

1987 "Talk and Real Talk: The Voices of Silence and the Voices of Power in American Family Life," Cultural Anthropology 2: 369-394.

"Analytic Ambiguities in the Communication of Familial Power," in Power through Discourse, ed. by L. Kedar, 129-151. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

1986  Symbolizing America. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press. (Editor)

"'Why' Sheila Can Read: Structure and Indeterminacy in the Reproduction of Familial Literacy," in The Acquisition of Literacy: Ethnographic Perspectives, ed. by B. Schieffelin and P. Gilmore, 188-210. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. (with McDermott, R. P.)

"Familles Américaines," in Histoire de la Famille. Ed. by Martine Segalen, André Burguière et Françoise Zonabend, 413-435. Paris: Armand Colin.

1983  American School Language: The Rhetorical Structuring of Daily Life in a Suburban High School. New York: Irvington Publishers.

"The Production of Kinds of Ethnic Discourse in the United States: American and Puerto-Rican Kinds," in The Sociogenesis of Language and Human Conduct, ed. by B. Bain, 553-68. New York: Plenum. (with F. Ruskin)

 "Language and Learning Situations," Society 20: 70-76

1981 "Symbolizing American Culture in Schools," Character 2: 1-9.
1978  "Is Dedham American? The Diagnosis of Things American," Anthropological Quarterly 51: 231-245.
1977 Americans Together: Structured Diversity in A Midwestern Town. New York: Teachers College Press.

December 11, 1998