- November 2006
- January 2007
- March 13 2007
- March 14, 2007
- May 5, 2007 - Walking about Harlem - from 110th and fifth to 128th and Lenox. (Slide show)
- May 8, 2007 - Walking about Harlem - from St.Nicholas and 126 back to Powell through 128, 129, 130, 135, etc. (Slide show)
- June 14, 2007 - Walking about Harlem - 145th and Convent, the 140s west of Powell. (Slide show)
- January 26, 2008 - Walking about Harlem - 122nd from Morninside Avenue to the Marcus Garvey Park (Slide show)
- February 14, 2008 - Walking about Harlem - 145th and Lenox, South to 139th East to Fifth, West on 138th to Powell, East on 137th to Lenox, West on 136th to Douglas, South to 125th (Slide show)