• Varenne, Hervé "Difficult collective deliberations: anthropological notes towards a theory of education." Teachers College Record (2007)
- Education AND Culture
- culture as a problem for the "people of the School"
- culture of poverty (from Oscar Lewis in the 1960s to
Wilson last year)
- cultural difference
- multiculturalism
- culture as constraints produced historically
- Culture as disability (McDermott and Varenne 1995)
- from Saussure and Benedict, through Foucault, acknowledging the properties of a state
to make problems for individuals: "If you are concerned with individuals, turn away from them."
(Varenne and McDermott 1998: Conclusion)
- culture as "fact" of life
- Education as Culture
- Finding the mechanisms for culture change in the collective deliberations among consociates
made necessary by the arbitrariness of all history.
- cultural facts are not destiny
- they may be things which make other things (Latour), they are also inherently unstable
- a preview of my Fall class "Ethnography of Education"
Some questions (in the context of this course)