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Pictures taken from Paul Byers' "Cameras Don't Take Pictures." (1966)

The most powerful way of looking at this set of 4 pictures from the point of view of communication theory is to realize that there are three persons here:

The little girl did something, some of which appears of the photographs, the photographer did something else most of which we (you and me) can only know indirectly (through his own interpretations). What we can do is quite open. We could take Each of these are "interpretations" with implications for further understandings and further research. Do note that the "open" nature of these interpretations do not change what the girl or the photographer performed. The photographs are still there, as a potential challenge to any interpretation. It would not be true to say that "we" can do anything we want if we want to remain relevant to the photographs.
Last revision: January 27, 1997