Rosa asks for a turn to read


1977 Kids make sense: An ethnographic account of the interactional management of success and failure in one first grade classroom.   Unpublished doctoral dissertation.  Stanford University (McDermott)
1977 "Social relations as contexts for learning in school."  Harvard Educational Review 47: 198-213. (McDermott)
1978 "Pirandello in the classroom: On the possibility of equal educational opportunity in American culture."  in Futures of education.   Edited by M. Reynolds, 41-64.   Reston, VA: Council on Exceptional Children. (McDermott with Jeffrey Aron)text
1978 "Criteria for an ethnographically adequate description of concerted activities and their contexts."   Semiotica 24, 3-4: 245-275. (McDermott with Kenneth Gospodinoff and Jeffrey Aron)text
1979 "Social context for ethnic borders and school failure."  in Nonverbal behavior.   Edited by A. Wolfgang, 175-195.   New York: Academic Press. (McDermott with Kenneth Gospodinoff)text
1982 "Institutionalized psychology and the ethnography of schooling."  in Ethnography and education: Children in and out of school.   Edited by P. Gilmore and A. Glatthorn, 232-249.   Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. (McDermott with Lois Hood)
1982 "Linguistic indeterminacy and social context in utterance interpretation."  Language 58: 374-398. (McDermott with John Dore)
1983 "On the necessity of collusion in conversation."  Text 3, 3: 277-297. (McDermott with Henry Tylbor)text
1998 Successful Failure, Chapter 7 (McDermott with Hervé Varenne)


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