Professor Hervé Varenne

Questions to raise questions:


From the point of view of a person

Taking YOU as the center (specify YOU in time and space--think of a period of one week within the past six months and use this period as the unit for answering the questions)

  1. Food preparation and consumption:
    1. with whom do you share your refrigerator?
    2. who paid for this refrigerator?
    3. with whom do you share the stove on which your food is cooked?
    4. who cooks the food you eat?
    5. how often have you eaten food cooked on this stove during this week?
    6. how often have you eaten food cooked on other stoves?

  2. Care of the body:
    1. with whom to you share the washing machine in which your clothes are washed?
    2. whose clothes get washed with your own?
    3. who runs the washing machine when your clothes are being washed?

  3. Sleeping organization
    1. who sleeps "with" you?
      1. in the same bed?
      2. in the same room?
      3. in the same residence

  4. Household boundaries
    1. How many rooms are protected by the key in your set of keys that opens the room that contains your bed
    2. How many people have this key?
    3. How many people can enter this room without some apology.

  5. Labels for people who have access to the household:
    1. how to you address the people who have access to the area that contains your bed
    2. how would you refer to them to people you meet at work or at school (for example in this class).


(Used in the context of my course Dynamics of Family Life)
Last revision: June 27, 1998