  1. then is education - an introduction
  2. "the cat ate the mouse" " -- an example in a lecture
  3. overview of lecture
  1. Time in structure: A discussion of temporality in structure. This will be a theoretical review of the literature on (genetic) (evolutionary) structuralism proceeding from Saussure (on syntagms) and Lévi-Strauss (on marriage exchange) to conversational analysis (on adjacency pairs and canonical sequences such “the joke” or “the learning lesson”) of shorter and longer sequences involving more and more people.
    1. Saussure on syntagm
    2. for no particular thing to happen other than this thing on which we are working
    3. Family conversation about a cat eating a mouse and other matters
    4. conversational turns given, taken, and returned
  2. Structure in time: When syntagms are distributed among serveral speakers, inevitably, “stuff happens” as people “screw around.” From a vocabulary of "rules" to a vocabulary of injunctions, instructions, and the meting of consequences.
    1. Levi-Strauss and models for the generalized exchange of women (and men)
    2. Simple systematics for classroom lessons
    3. "Time to go to bed"
    4. Rosa "don't get a turn"
  3. Times for education: a first approximation: An argument for identifying moments in everyday human interaction that might be plausibly identified as “educational” to the extent that they bring to discursive awareness properties of the interaction that are not brought out to this awareness at other moments.
  4. On to education where longer sequences are a play and the field of participants cannot be specified (e.g. “education into family life” or “religion”).
    1. Democracy and schooling
    2. Controlling democracy's schools of school
    3. NCATE mission
    4. NCATE prescribed syllabi
  5. Times for education: reproduction, repositionings, evolution: A overall statement about education as constitutive of humanity at moments of disruption within the routine flow of time–whether these disruptions are the product of “external” events or of internal “contradictions.”