The canonical contraction in late 20th century hospital labor

Below are four frames illustrating the Canonical Contraction in various instances when the body positioning of the participants approximates its accountable features.
(Note that the images used to illustrate each of the stages change everytime this page is reloaded. This is to stress that what we are sketching here is a model of social contractions in this labor.)
Husband, wife, attending physicians and nurse chat about earlier labors, family life, the progression of this labor, etc.
9:41:10 Beginning
Husband takes wife's hand and checks on machine as wife starts to give signs of pain.
9:41:17 Middle
Husband and wife look at each other. Husband tells her to "breathe." She puffs audibly.
9:42:37 End
Husband and wife relax their hand holding, check on machine, comment on the strength of the contraction as differently reported by machine and wife, and begin chatting again with each other and other participants.

Note that this "canonical contraction" is a model in the structural sense.

In performance, no contraction fully ...

In the process of building it, the original video was "transcribed."

February 5, 1999