Constructions developed by different people for different purposes.
On the production of a scientific image for further human manipulation |
Under an electron microscopePehaps using the Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM microscope |
Garfinkel, Harold1981 "The Work of a Discovering Science Construed with Materials from the Optically Discovered Pulsar." Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11, 2:131-158. (with and M. Lynch, E. Livingston) Goodwin, Charles1996 "Seeing as a situated activity: Formulating planes: " in Cognition and communication at work. Edited by Engestrom, Y. and D. Middleton. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 61-95. (with and Marjorie Goodwin) 1994 "Professional vision." American Anthropologist 96:606-633. 1995 "Seeing in depth." Social studies of science 25:237-273. Latour, Bruno1979 Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. New York: Sage Publications. (with Steve Woolgar) 1987 Science in action. Edited volume. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. |
Popular representations |
In the media
REFERENCESBarthes, Roland"Einstein's brain " in Mythologies. Sel. and Tr. by A. Lavers. London: Jonathan Cape. [1957] 1972. Geertz, Clifford1973 "Deep play: Notes on the Balinese cockfight." in The Interpretation of Cultures. Edited by . New York: Basic Books. pp. 412-453. Lévi-Strauss, Claude[1971] 1981 The naked man. Tr. by J. and D. Weightman. New York: Harper & Row.
(and passim in much anthropology, cultural studies, etc.) | elsewhere:St. Corona(the new patron of pandemics: from North Carolina and around the Catholic world) |