Ed.D. dissertations sponsored by Hervé Varenne in Family and Community Education
- Cohen, Herbert Steven -- Critique of a model parent education program. 1974
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Darkenwald [A::::: - cohn0herb74crita000]
- Corr, Finbarr M. -- The relationship between selected background variables of active priests in new jersey and the manner in which they prepare couples for marriage. 1975
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Vahanian [A::::: - corr0finb75relabetw]
- Collins, Isabel -- Ideological college dropout and its aftermath in the lives of high-aptitude males. 1976
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Herron [A::::: - collnisbl76ideodrop]
- Lichtman, Carl -- Voluntary childlessness: a thematic analysis of the person and the process. 1976
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Vahanian [A::::: - lichtcarl76volua000]
- Henry, Cecil Saint George -- Teacher communication process and its outcome on pupils in an elementary school classroom. 1976
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Grannis [A::::: - henr0cecl76teacproc]
- Pollner, Mildred -- An exploratory analysis of the images and myths of maleness, marriage and the concept of freedom in American literature and the media. 1976
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Vahanian [A::::: - pollnmild76explanal]
- Fortunato, Mario -- Patterns of communication as an index of the capacity to integrate change in life style in marital couples. 1977
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Schonbar [A::::: - fortnmar077pattcomm]
- Kanouse-Roberts, Alica -- A study of the interaction between a group of jewish senior citizens and a group of black adolescent girls classified as "delinquent". 1977
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - kansralc077studof00]
- Lugo-Pagan, Hada Iris -- The symbolism of food among the New York Puerto Ricans: a cultural account. 1977
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - lugpghadr77symbof00]
- Slade, Phoebe Jane -- An examination of the relationship between ethnic-esteem and personal self-esteem among urban black senior high school and college students. 1977
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Maguire [A::::: - sld00phbj77examof00]
- Brome, Henderson Le Vere -- A study of the assimilation of Barbadian immigrants in the United States with special reference to the Barbadians in New York. 1978
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Grannis [A::::: - brm00hend78studof00]
- Schweitzer, Robert -- Adolescent perceptions of power relationships with parents based on a resource model of power. 1978
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Vahanian [A::::: - schwtrobr78adolof00]
- Abramsky, Silvia -- Accommodation in room-sharing among residents in a facility for the aged. 1979
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Bennett [A::::: - abrmssilv79accoroom]
- Kelly, Marjorie -- Science, common sense, and love: a cultural account of symbol, myth, and ritual in american child-rearing manuals. 1979
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - kell0marj79sciesens]
- Ruskin, Francine Klein -- A structural analysis of statements of Puerto Ricans and North Americans about family relationships. 1979
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - rusknfrnc79struanal]
- Holmes, Ivory -- The allocation of time by women without family responsibilities. 1981
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Vahanian [A::::: - holmsivr081alloof00]
- Graber, Anita -- Imagining the world: the reflections and perceptions of black low-income mothers in relation to their involvements in the educational lives of their children. 1982
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with McDermott [A::::: - grbr0ant082imagworl]
- Lubin, Aasta -- The successful career woman and mother in new york city. 1984
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Bill Sayres [A::::: - lubn0aast84succcare]
- Bianco, Janis -- A learning community: a study of a Brazilian favela. 1985
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Bill Sayres [A::::: - binc0jans85learcomm]
- Norton, Eileen -- Educational and social innovations in an Islamic Republic: The development of a school of nursing. 1985
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Bill Sayres [A::::: - nortneiln85educsoci]
- Siegal, Esther -- "We take care of one another": An ethnographic study of an adult community. 1985
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with McDermott [A::::: - sigl0esth85takecare]
- Leonard, Joe -- Families and autism: An ethnographic approach. 1986
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - lenrdjo0086famiauti]
- Johnson, Beverly -- Teacher and student discourse: What gets done in an elementary school classroom. 1986
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - johnsbevr86teacstud]
- Fox, Jane -- A structural analysis of references to "health" on American prime time network television. 1986
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Sayres [A::::: - fox00jan086struanal]
- Cheteyan, Dennis -- Engagement of poor minority families by social programs: splicing excerpts of conversation together to arrive at a scenario of everyday life. 1986
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with McDermott [A::::: - chtn0denn86engapoor]
- Grodner, Michele -- For our children: Family, community, covenant and cliques in an American cooperative school. 1987
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - grdnrmich87our0chil]
- Robbins-Stathas, Lisa -- Traditional and non-traditional married women: A cultural analysis of what it means to be female in 1980s America. 1987
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - robbnlis087tradnon0]
- Hancock, Peter Mark -- Education in the streets: An ethnographic study of homeless youth in New York City. 1988
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - hanccpetr88educthe0]
- Paulino, Ana Mercedes -- Sickness, healing, and mental health: Some Hispanic voices in New York City. 1989
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with McDermott [A::::: - paln0anmr89sickand0]
- Devoy, Francis William -- An ethnographic deconstruction of self-concept: Modes of disclosure in priests' dialogue. 1989
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - dev00frnc89ethndeco]
- Rivitz, Joahn Strass -- The Third Reich (what German citizens are saying now about then). 1990
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - rivtzjohn90thirreic]
- Harris-Hastick, Eda Fernella -- Korea and its voices in New York City: An ethnographic study of a small Asian-American community. 1990
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - harrsedfr90koreits0]
- Diulio, Rosemany -- An exploratory study of the organization of family roles and responsibilities around the presence of insulin-dependent diabetes in a child. 1990
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - dil00rosm90explstud]
- Polito, Theodora -- Scenes from a kindergarten classroom: Deliberations on "work" and "play" and "play" and "work" in the early childhood theoretical discourse and the discourse of an American kindergarten classroom. 1990
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - polt0thdr90scena000]
- Pfeffer, Doris -- Adolescent dance: Variations on an American theme. 1990
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - pfffrdors90adolvari]
- Feddersen, Ann Frances -- MariEL healing: A comparative analysis of an alternative healing model. 1991
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - feddrannf91maria000]
- O'Reilly, Evelyn Marie -- Issues in talk about aging in the United States. 1991
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - o'rllevln91issutalk]
- Macdonald, Julie Cope -- Almost freedom, almost America: A study of the United States refugee program in the Philippines. 1991
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Bill Sayres [A::::: - macdnjulc91almoalmo]
- Rosado, Lois Blade -- The reconstruction of classroom structure by adult learners: an ethnography of a union- sponsored program for home health care workers. 1991
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - rosd0losb91recoof00]
- Komoska, Joanna -- Arguing: A cooperative process?. 1992
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - komskjonn92argucoop]
- Kilkelly, Kathleen -- Patterns of self-disclosure: An ethnographic account of conversation about health among Irish women. 1992
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - kilklkath92pattself]
- Culhane, Hind Rassam -- East/West, an ambiguous state of being. the construction and representation of Egyptian cultural identity in Egyptian film: Images and symbols. 1992
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - culhnhind92eastan00]
- Naddeo, Merry Angela -- The New Life Singers: A discourse analysis of street kids "doing" a choir rehearsal. 1992
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Abeles [A::::: - nadd0merr92new0life]
- Miller, Robin Leigh -- Chaotic organization: A study of disaster. 1993
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - millrrobn93chaoa000]
- Boyd, Cory Ann -- The interactional positioning for a literacy related moment during grocery shopping. 1993
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - bod00corn93inteposi]
- Linton-Dorsey, Thelma May -- Adult daughter-mother relationships: A personal story. 1993
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - lintnthlm93adulmoth]
- Kustera, Rita Veronica -- A drug and alcohol prevention program in elementary schools. 1994
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Paul Byers [A::::: - kustrritv94drugand0]
- Cotter, Mary Elizabeth -- Labor negotiations: a study of interactions during hospital childbirth. 1996
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - cottrmarl96laboa000]
- Crawford, Myrtle -- The new blended family: A case study. 1999
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - crwfrmyrt99new0blen]
- Ennis, Suzanne -- Truth-talk: Analysis of a family therapy conversation. 2000
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - enns0suzn00trutanal]
- Calvert, Melanie -- The needs of elementary school teachers infusing technology into their classrooms. 2001
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - calvrmeln01needof00]
- Guercio, Alice -- Directing a preschool for children with disabilities. confusion in communication: parents and teachers. 2002
- sponsored by Herve Varenne with Hope Leichter [A::::: - gurc0alc002direpres]