Open roads: Renewed possibilities

Saturday October 19 -- Plenary session #3 -- 3:30-5:30 (Milbank Chapel)


Many of us have experienced the altogether successful challenge to our ways of knowing that came both from the other social sciences and from our professional audiences. As some of us have been told "you provide anecdotes, we provide evidence." In many of the most prestigious schools of education, anthropology is know a shadow of what it was thirty years ago. Research funds have dried up. What are we to tell our students? What are our students doing that might re-establish our voice among the voices that must be heard?

Moderator: Lesley Bartlett (Teachers College, Columbia University)

  • Jill Koyama (University of Arizona)
    • "When Things Come Undone: Disrupting and Dissembling an ESL Program"
  • Fida Adely (Georgetown University)
  • Baquedano-López, Patricia (UC Berkeley), Inmaculada García Sanchez (Temple), Kathryn Howard (California State U., San Bernardino), Leslie C. Moore ( Ohio State U.), Laura Sterponi (UC Berkeley)
  • Thea Abu El Haj (Rutgers University)
    • "Having an identity without a place in the world": Palestinian American youth, education and the "war on terror"



October 17, 2013