Anthropology, education, families and communities: Politics, policies and practices

Saturday October 19 -- 1-3:30 pm (Zankel 109)


Historically, anthropology has insisted that the transformation of children into adults does not simply occur through schools. How it occurs here or then, then or now, must be a matter for investigation. This emphasis on "out of school" or "informal" education or learning, has often placed anthropologists (as well as historians and others convinced of the need to move beyond the problematics of schooling) in a difficult position in relation to policy makers concerned with the reform of schooling for the controlled shaping of new citizens (or workers). Anthropologists must now both demonstrate the reality that education proceeds in many settings and through many methods, and find ways to bring this into the national debates about the making of future citizens.

Chair: Audrey Le (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Discussant: Alex Posecznick (University of Pennsylvania, GSE)

October 17, 2013