These are points that I can make from Foucault though they are not necessarily what he has been used for in recent years. Furthermore, this is only based on a reading of Discipline and punish (1978 [1975]) and The order of discourse (1971).

Thus, and controversially:

  1. Foucault, historical (cultural?!) specificity and complex societies: cultures as systems of exclusion built upon and through specific institutions.
  2. Foucault on the maintenance of cultural specificity with two implicit hypothesis centering around the Panopticon:
    1. internalization of position
    2. the daily practices of power
  3. "individualism" as collective practices;
  4. a certain type of schooling (and certain types of examination) as a core process in the maintenance of 'America' (as a particular flavor of 'modernity')

Note that I am not so much interested in "power" except to the extent that "correction" is one of the means through which a particular patterning of institutions remains relevant for the persons that are captured by these institutions (or who must conduct their lives through these institutions).

Thus I have a strong sense of the limits of the panopticon as a model for sociability. A model of society (prison, school, etc.) must take into account

  1. interaction among the watched,
  2. interaction when the watched are outside the prison,
  3. interaction between the watched and the warden,
  4. interaction between the warden and the people to whom he reports.

Foucault does not deny the possibility of such interactions but he provides little guidance in integrating this activity within the general model.