this class meets on Thursdays, from 5:10 to 6:50 in 432 Horace Mann

[where to look for the required and recommended readings]



  • Comitas, Lambros "The Social Nexus of Ganja in Jamaica." in Cannabis and culture. Edited by V. Rubin, 40-50. The Hague: Mouton. 1975
  • Limerick, N. Recontextualizing Ideologies about Social Difference in New York Spanish-language Newspaper Advertising. Language & Communication, 32(4), 312-328. 2012
  • Varenne, Hervé "Introduction " to Educating in Life (Routlege 2019)

A - Marx The German ideology. New York: International Publishers. [1845] 1970 (Part A)

B - Lenin, Vladimir "The Spontaneity of the Masses and the Consciousness of the Social-Democrats" in What is to be done?: Burning questions of our movement. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House. 1902.


  • Goody, Jack Production and reproduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1975
  • Marx The Communist Manifesto. New York: International Publishers. [first published in 1852]
  • Meillassoux, Claude Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Community. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1981 (First published in 1975)
  • Wittfogel, Karl Oriental despotism: A comparative study of total power. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 1957

A - Durkheim, Emile Suicide Tr. by J. Spaulding and G. Simpson. New York: The Free Press. [first published in 1897] (Book III, Chapter 1: pp. 297-325) .

B- Durkheim, Emile The rules of the sociological method. Tr. by W.D. Halls. New York: The Free Press. [1895] 1968 (pp. 50 to 107)


  • Durkheim, E. Education and Sociology. Tr. by S. Fox.. New York: The Free Press. [1922)] 1956
  • Lévi-Strauss, Claude "Social structure." in Structural anthropology. Tr. by C. Jacobson and B. Schoepf. New York: Basic Books. [first published in 1952]
  • Mauss, Marcel The gift. Tr. by I. Cunnison.. New York: W.W. Norton. [1923] 1967

A - Garfinkel, Harold Ethnomethodology's program: Working out Durkheim's aphorism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2002 (Chapters 6, and then 1, and then 4)

B - Sacks, Harvey Notes on police assessment of moral character." in Studies in social interaction. Edited by D. Sudnow. New York: The Free Press. 1972. pp. 280-293 AND "An analysis of the course of a joke's telling in conversation." in Explorations in the ethnography of speaking. Edited by R. Bauman & J. Sherzer. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1974. pp. 337-353


A - Latour, Bruno Bruno Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts New York: Sage Publications. 1979. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6)

B - Latour, Bruno Reassembling the social: An introduction to actor-network theory. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005. (Chapters "Introduction to Part I," "First Source of Uncertainty," "Third Source of Uncertainty," "Fourth Source of Uncertainty," "Introduction to Part II")


A - Boas, Franz The mind of primitive man . New York: The Free Press. [1911] 1938.(Chapters 8 to 13)

B - Benedict, Ruth "Configurations of culture in North America," American Anthropologist 34: 1-27. 1932


  • Benedict, Ruth Patterns of culture. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Boas, Franz "The occurrence of similar inventions in areas widely apart." Science 9, 224:486-487. 1887
  • Hrdy, Sarah Mother nature: Maternal instincts and how they shape the human species. New York: Balentine Books. 1999
  • Mead, Margaret Coming of age in Samoa. New York: Morrow. 1928

A - Weber, Max The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. London: George Allen and Unwin. [1905]1962 (pp.ix-95)

B - Weber, Max "'Objectivity' in social science and social policy." in The Methodology of the Social Sciences, pp. 49-112 . New York: The Free Press, [1904] 1949. (pp. 1 to 66 in the online version)

                      "The Methodological Foundations of Sociology." (c 1897)


  • Parsons, T. and E. Shils Toward a general theory of action. New York: Harper and Row. 1951
  • Bourdieu, P. Outline of a theory of practice. Tr. by R. Nice.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1972 (First published in 1972)
  • Parsons, T. and E. Shils Toward a general theory of action. New York: Harper and Row. 1951

A - Geertz, Clifford The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. 1973. (Introduction, Chapters 2, 4, 8, 11)

B - Geertz, Clifford (in The Interpretation of Cultures . New York: Basic Books. 1973). "Person, time and conduct in Bali," pp. 360-411 [1966]; "Deep play: Notes on the Balinese cockfight." , 412-453 [1972]


  • Foucault, Michel Discipline and punish. Tr. by A. Sheridan. New York: Penguin Books. [1975] 1978
  • Geertz, Clifford "'From the native's point of view': On the nature of anthropological understanding." in Meaning in anthropology. Edited by K. Basso and H. Selby. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. pp. 221-237. 1976
  • Ortner, Sherry "Theory in anthropology since the Sixties." Comparative Study in Society and History 26, 1:126-166. 1984

A - Lévi-Strauss, Claude Totemism. Tr. by R. Needham Boston: Beacon Press. [1962] 1963

B - Lévi-Strauss, Claude The savage mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1966. [first published in 1962] (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9)


  • Boon, James From symbolism to structuralism: Lévi-Strauss in a literary tradition. New York: Harper & Row. 1972
  • Boon, James Verging on extra-Vagance: Anthropology, history, religion, literature, arts ... showbiz. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1999.
  • de Certeau. Michel The practice of everyday life. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1984 [1980].

A - Holland, Dorothy et al. Identity and agency in cultural worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1998. (Chapters 1-6, 8, 9, 13)

B - Gregory, Steven "Placing the Politics of Black Class Formation" (pp. 137-169). in History in Person. Edited by D. Holland and J. Lave. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press. 2001


  • Sapir, Edward Culture, language and personality: Selected essays. Berkeley: University of California Press. (First published in 1949) 1966
  • Wallace, Anthony Revitalizations and mazeways: Essays on culture change, Volume 1. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. 2003

A - Schneider, David "Social dynamics of physical disability in Army basic training." in Personality in nature, society and culture. Edited by C. Kluckhohn and H. Murray. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. pp. 386-397. (First published in 1947) 1953. AND Glaser, Barney and Anselm Strauss "Temporal aspects of dying as a non-scheduled status passage." American Journal of Sociology 71:48-59. 1965

B - Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991. (pp. 29-58) AND "Estranged Labor Learning" Outlines 1:19-48. 2002.


A - Lansing, J. Stephen Perfect order: Recognizing complexity in Bali. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2006 (Chapters 1, 2, 3 (4 if you have the time))

B - Koyama, Jill Making failure pay: For-profit tutoring, high-stake testing, and public schools. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 2010


  • de Wolfe, Juliette Parents of children with autism: An ethnography. New York: Palgrave. 2014
  • Gershon, Ilana Down and out in the new economy: How people find (or don't find) work today. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 2017.
  • Gundaker, Grey "Hidden Education Among African Americans During Slavery." in Anthropological perspectives on education. Edited by H. Varenne and E. Gordon. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press. pp. 53-74. 2008 (First published in 2007)
  • McDermott, Ray et al. "Looking closely: Toward a natural history of human ingenuity." in Handbook of visual research. Edited by E. Margolis and L. Pauwels. Sage. pp. 272-291. 2011

A - Scott, James The art of not being governed: An anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2009 (Chapters 1, 5, 7)

B - D'Altroy, Terence The Incas. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2015(Chapters 1, 4, 5, 11, 12)


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