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ITSF5003 - Communication and Culture

Professor Hervé Varenne


(The books are available under the call # indicated. The articles on personal reserve are available by asking by the # under "Varenne")


(starred items are for sale at the Columbia University Bookstore; the others are on reserve in the Teachers College Library)

* Bakhtin The dialogic imagination PN 3331 .B2513
Dewey Democracy and education LB 875 .D349
  Drummond American Dreamtime PN1995.9.M96 D78 1996
* Duranti Linguistic Anthropology P35 .D87 1997
* Fiske Understanding popular culture CB 151 .F574 1989
Hymes Foundations in sociolinguistics  P40 .H9
* Latour Reassembling the social HM585 .L38 2005
* Lamphere Situated Lives GN479.65 .S57 1997
Münch & Smelser Theory of culture  HM 101.T475 1992
Rosaldo & Lamphere Woman, culture, and society  HQ 1206 .R65
Saussure Course in general linguistics P 121 .S363
  Williams Marxism and literature HX 531 .W47

Duranti's Linguistic Anthropology is also available (freely but possibly inconveniently) as an e-book at


all articles are available on line either through my site, TC library (you must be registered in one of my classes to have access to these) , or the Columbia e-journal collections (you will have to identify yourself and use your password to get to these when accessing the material from a non-Columbia computer)



Most of the readings can be opened using older versions of the Adobe Acrobat reader (starting with version 5.0). A few will require the latest version (version 9.0)
December 20, 2011