Answer ONE of these questions in no less than five pages (or more than ten pages)
(note that you must discuss at least three of the required readings to answer
any of the questions)
- Develop Lévi-Strauss's statement that "In a way, culture substitutes
itself to life, in another way culture uses and transforms life to realise
a synthesis of a higher order" (1949). Starting with an example from
your programmatic interests, sketch how Dewey, Fiske and Benedict might interpret
Lévi-Strauss's statement.
(for example, a student in Curriculum and Teaching might start with schooling
in relation to the developmental needs of children; a student in Developmental
Psychology might discuss the cultural status of theories of language development,
etc.; a student in International Educational Development might address the issue of the local adaptation of various policites; etc.)
- What are the obvious differences between G.H. Mead's and Jakobson's models
of communication? How could each model be understood in terms of the other?
- Using an example from your programmatic interests, evaluate which of the
various theories of culture and social field appears more illuminating. Indicate
why the other theories we have considered appear less useful.
- G. H. Mead's, when talking about "meaning," involves three positions.
Saussure talks about the relation between visual or auditory representation
(the signifier) and an idea (the signified) within one person. It is
easy to oppose the two traditions they represent (pragmatist and structuralist).
After briefly summarizing the differences, sketch how some of their key concepts
(e.g. "contract" or "social field") might be illuminated
by being approached in terms of the other tradition.
- In what ways might it be said that "Rambo" is an American symbol? In what
ways might it be said to be a universal one?
(you may substitute to "Rambo" any mass media performance that
you are familiar with [e.g. "Titanic," "Avatar,". Besides Fiske you may want to consult Benedict, Lévi-Strauss,
- Given the theories of culture and social field we reviewed, how might we
think about human freedom? (hint: think about "humanity" as well
as the individual "person").
- Could it be said that langue is to parole like "structure" is to "agency"? (Saussure, Jakobson, Fiske...)