George Spindler
Education and cultural process
NewYork: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1974.
Table of Contents
PART I Engagements between Anthropology and Education
Preview 2
1. ROBERT J. NASH/The Convergence of Anthropology and Education 5
JOHN SINGLETON/Implications of Education as Cultural Transmission 26
3. BERNARD J. SIEGEL/Conceptual Approaches to Models for the Analysis of the Educative Process in American Communities 39
PART II Education and Cultural Process in Complex Modern Societies
Preview 64
4. GEORGE D. SPINDLER/Why Have Minority Groups in North America Been Disadvantaged by Their Schools? 69
5. R. P. McDERMOTT/Achieving School Failure: An Anthropological Approach to Illiteracy and Social Stratification 82
6. JOHN A. HOSTETLER/Education in Communitarian SocietiesThe Old Order Amish and the Hutterian, Brethren 119
7. GEORGE D. SPINDLER/Beth Anne-A Case Study of Culturally Defined Adjustment and Teacher Perceptions 139
8. GARY SCHWARTz and DON MERTEN/Social Identity and Expressive Symbols: The Meaning of an Initiation Ritual 154
9. HARRY F. WOLCOTT/The Elementary School Principal: Notes from a Field Study 176
10. MARION LUNDY DOBBERT/Education, Schools, and Cultural Mapping 205
11. THOMAS P. ROHLENISeishin Kyoiku in a Japanese Bank: A Description of Methods and Consideration of Some Underlying Concepts 219
12. GEORGE D. SPINDLER/Schooling in Schonhausen: A Study of Cultural Transmission and Instrumental Adaptation in an Urbanizing German Village 230
PART III Education and Cultural Process in Traditional and Modernizing Societies
Preview 274
13. GEORGE D. SPINDLER/The Transmission of Culture 279
14. DOROTHY EGGAN/Instruction and Affect in Hopi Cultural Continuity 311
15. PETER S. SINDELL/Some Discontinuities in the Enculturation of Mistassini Cree Children 333
16. c. W. M. HART/Contrasts between Prepubertal and Postpubertal Education 342
17. BRUCE T. GRINDAL/Students'-Self-Perceptions among the Sisala of Northern Ghana: A Study of Continuity and Change 361
18. JOSEPH GLICK/Culture and Cognition: Some Theoretical and Methodological Concerns 373
PART IV Approaches to the Study of Schools and Classrooms Preview 384
19. BUD B. KHLEiF/Issues in Anthropological Fieldwork in the Schools 389
20. A. RICHARD KING/The Teacher as a Participant-Observer: " A Case Study 399
21. HARRY F. WOLCOTT/The Teacher as an Enemy 411
22. RICHARD L. WARREN/The School and Its Community Context: The Methodology of a Field Study 426
PART V The Teaching of Anthropology Preview 444
23. GEORGE D. SPINDLER/Transcultural Sensitization 449
24. TIMOTHY ASCH/Audiovisual Materials in the Teaching of Anthropology from the Elementary School through College 463
25. PAUL BOHANNAN, MERWYN S. GARBARINO, and EARLE W. CARSoN/An Experimental Ninth-Grade Anthropology Course 491
26. DIANE TROUBETTA REYNOLDS and NORMAN T. REYNOLDS/The Roots of Prejudice: California Indian History in School Textbooks 506
27. GEORGE and LOUISE SPINDLER/Case Studies in Education and Culture 542
Wednesday, October 3, 2001